Let us review a bit of what makes the Mac a nice computer to have. You got yer graphical interface, yer colors and fonts, and yer plug and play.... And all of these, are changeble. With the right shareware, you can do wonders with the standard Mac. Got a modem? Good. Otherwise it would be a lot more difficult to get your eyes on the thing you're reading right now. With a modem, you can treat yourself to the wonders of cyber-space. Yeah, yeah, a lot of it is lame beyond belief, but there IS some stuff that is joyous in it's quality. Some shareware is actually better than any or most of the commercial programs that you can buy. Another usefull part of the mighty download, is product DEMOs. If they do it right (a version of the actual program, minus the save and print) then you can try out for free, and see what all the fuss is about. This at times has saved me quite a bit of money. I can get the demo, try it out, and come to the conclusion, "This SUCKS!" and I'm saved the trouble of actually purchasing the thing, and having to return it..always a hassle.
So, a list of pretty good shareware:
1. DocMaker (Very usefull, for me at least)
2. Zterm (Jolly modem program)
3. FirstClass (Also jolly modem software, for calling up FirstClass BBSes)
4. Edit7 (Great for handling text files)
5. Sample Editor (Great for recording and editing sounds)
6. Player Pro (Splendid for making MOD and MAD music)
7. SoundTrecker (Wonderfull for listening to MODs)
8. FilePlayer and SoundMachine (Glorious for playing AIFF sound files)
9. GraphicConverter (Sublime for viewing and converting all kinds of picture files)
10. Peter'sPlayer (Marvelous for playing Quicktime movies)
11. Quill (Superlative for quick viewing of text files)
12. Excalibur (Happy spell-checker)
13. FileTyper (Terrific for messing with downloaded files so they have the right icon)
14. FileList+ (Prime for keeping track of a zillion diskettes)
15. PICTshow (Gorgeous for slide-shows)
16. Award (Adorable single-page layout type thing)
18. AppDisk (Orgasmic RAM-disk program if you got any memory to spare)
19. Print2Pict (Voluptuous utility for printing from whatever to pict, text, QT, etc.)
20. ColorSwitch (Carnal control panel for changing the bit depth and sound volume)
I'd better stop before I hurt myself, but this should keep you happy for a little while. Search the boards for these and others to so enrich your life...... By the way, these are in no order of importance of any kind. Think what you will and make your own decisions. An open mind can be a bit drafty sometimes, but it's worth it to embrace the new and intriguing things you may find.
Fonts... they have a way of setting the mood for what you're saying. We'll probably include any odd fonts we use in this publication, so that you can see what we see in it's true form.